Oceana bemoans irresponsible 2012 fishing opportunities

European fisheries ministers set catch limits that exceed Commission recommendations by 22%

Press Release Date: December 19, 2011

Location: Madrid


Marta Madina | email: mmadina@oceana.org | tel.: Marta Madina

Oceana is disappointed in the agreement reached today by European Fisheries Ministers concerning Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for the Atlantic European fleet. The approved fishing limits ignore 41% of scientific advice and are a clear move away from the precautionary proposal tabled by the Commission. In establishing these TACs EU Member states are extending the overexploitation of the common fisheries resources by one more year.

“They have no problem disregarding scientific advice and the harvest control rules laid out in management plans, and unfortunately nobody seems to be looking out for the welfare of the resources. This type of short term approach will lead to the deterioration of not only fish populations, but also of the profitability of the sector and the viability of the fishing communities,” stated Xavier Pastor, Executive Director of Oceana Europe. “It is useless to reform the Common Fisheries Policy if Member States are unwilling to comply with its principles and guidelines”.

Report: Oceana recommendations to European Council decision for 2012

Press Release (14/12/2011): Oceana: EU Fisheries Ministers must set aside short term interests in catch limit decisions